MR & MRs LENG ;)

MR & MRs LENG ;)

Friday, February 26

last entry for KT trip

Wednesday is the last day of our trip to KT and before left we managed to do a quick trip to the famous Pasar Payang (for women this place is must visit okay esp those yg suka sutera). Plannya nak survey garment for my hantaran accompanied with his mum and sist Dira. Time ni pun masih ramai orang bershopping even though CNY holiday dah berakhir. Parking pun susah nak dapat but lucky for us that day because first round jeh dah boleh dapat parking even quite far from the place. And the weather was still burning hot. sigh satu benda ni jeh tak suka masa trip ni.
At first I wanted to buy silk batik but consider to take care of it can be a bit tricky so I settled with batik crepe. The design I always love is stripy/abstract sebab tak berapa berkenan dengan corak flower yang penuh but despite dah decide nak design camne it still headache to choose cause banyak sgt yang cantik and the price pun affordable. After considering a few times and visits most of the shop there, I chose this particular one.

Mmg saja suruh akak tu pasang kat patung untuk tangkap gamba so that senang nak tunjuk kat tailor how to sew it later. Beli sepasang jeh dulu sebab sepasang lagi ingat nak beli garment yang jenis lain plak.

saya lagi gemuk dr fMIL.. belum kawin dah nampak cam pregnant huhu sedih sedih.
From there we went to KT main bus terminal looking for tailor untuk jahit baju melayu sayang sebab kedai yang sepatutnya pergi tu masih tutup, tailor nyer chinese maklum la diaorg kan raya hehe. Bdway kat situ pun (bahagian atas) ada banyak tailor yang bagus2 untuk jahit baju esp for men and diaorang charge pun tak mahal sangat compare to butik2 yang kat kl tu. Kedai diaorg mmg biasa jeh tp consider diaorg have been doing the same thing for so many years mestila dah sangat mahir kan and ceritanya pulak tailor that we chose is oku. Kan orang selalu cakap untuk orang kurang upaya Allah selalu bagi diaorg kelebihan lain so let’s hoping for the best and sangat lega to settle another thing for the wedding. Finally we left KT around 3.00pm and sempat singgah memborong keropok lekor di Losong. Rugi yer klu tak beli keropok kat sini.

my fiance yg memang sempoi suka pki short + tshirt tgh diukur2. bdk kaki panjang.
So that is all about the trip to KT including those two previous entries. Memang sangat happy every time been to Terengganu as I believed that place always hold a special place in my heart. Yerlah tempat membesar as a teenager kan mesti banyak benda yang boleh diingat dan dikenang. FMIL pun layan dengan baik act dah tade rasa nervous pegi sana sbb dah banyak kali sangat pergi hehe tak malu. Really had great times esp at time when Dy & I looking through and laughing at his childhood photos but still, he’s such an adorable kid. I love him to bit :)
p/s lupa plak nak cilok satu gambar if not boleh upload kat sini. will do next time hehe ♥



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