MR & MRs LENG ;)

MR & MRs LENG ;)

Monday, May 4

Good and Bad

Its raining outside and im grateful for that. I think enough la with all the aridity that had been happening for almost 2weeks. I feel good today and the weather is the way how I liked it.

So these past 3days, lot of things happened, good and bad things. Bad thing first, I’ve had a huge fight with Dy, (again? yeah I know, but I think it’s for our own good hehe) second, I had slight fever on Friday; I wake up around 7.30am, my body so weak, so I just stayed in my room all day long crying my heart out. I feel bad cause I yelled at Dy on the phone, called him selfish (so sorry honey..sob sob I regretted it, u are not selfish ok, im the one who did huhu) After that I hardly open my eyes cause it hurts so much; affect of crying too much.
In the evening, all housemates went to spa to do some facial treatment, but I just stayed at home alone but it doesn’t hassle me at all. All I want is Dy; to be with me :((

Good things is, on Saturday I feel much better already, talked to Dy in the afternoon, managed to finish some work, and eat properly. On Sunday, we went to the tailor to reserve a dress for my engagement :) at plaza?? what’s the name eh? This time also, I managed to do some shopping, thing I love most :) I bought cute mini dress in black, yea black again, blue-black flowery waist belt and greenish short pants.

i love my new dress wink wink!

look, how happy they are to be at Taman Awam.hehe

We also went to Taman Awam Miri to do some sight-seeing (Yatt & Ma never been there, I been there one time with Dy last year) taking lot of pictures, and after that having steam boat buffet at one of the restaurant there. It only costs RM18/person (its on Ma cause she promised to belanja us, thanksss) and we can eat as many as we want or can. hehe. One more thing that thrilled me most is, Big Apple Donuts & Coffee now OPENING in Miri, yeahh wanna dance :))

my favorite's thing.yummy!

So overall, its quite a nice weekend rather than bad one. Thanks guys (housemates) for always be there when I am in the difficult time; that I created by myself like Yatt said ‘saja cari pasal’. wekk



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