MR & MRs LENG ;)

MR & MRs LENG ;)

Monday, October 20


at Mega Hotel 4 rehearsal on 3rd day after cut my hair

Its almost 4 months since I cut & straighten my first it quite satisfied me but now it started to really annoying me esp in da morning..huhu

There is so many problems that hair can possibly have..
splits end,
dryness, (esp after I shampoo),
dull, stiffer than ever.
and banyak lagilah erghh..

And to cover it up, I tend to do it in pony tail or just wear head band like this :

Its easier & can save my time in da morning actually..
but still need to do something about it, i already bought hair lotion for treatment but since im a lazy dog, always forget to put it everyday..hehe

Mind me.. M a f i s



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