MR & MRs LENG ;)

MR & MRs LENG ;)

Monday, March 1

Me.. of being melancholic a few weeks ago.

All I want is one simple sweet wedding but..

On the beginning day after we’ve decided to get married, Dy and I agreed to one thing; less is more so we’re going to tone down everything.. nk buat simple2 jeh as long as we can get hitch and the ceremony went well. No need an extravaganza wedding wlupun ramai org ckp “kawin kan sekali jeh” but I don’t really care what people might say. I just want it to be perfect the way I wanted it to be. Normally kalau buat majlis besar maka besarlah cacat celanya so tamau camtu. I just want one nice simple ceremony that can satisfied me and him the most.

We also had some consideration in order to cut the cost; what if we just do a solemnization ceremony that will take place at my parents’ house and one reception for both sides somewhere else. That’s going to save a lot of money la kan. If can tamaula membazir sgt doing the same thing or spending for same thing eg: bersanding, dress, make up, dais, photographer and so on.

As known the solemnization will take place at kelantan and Dy is from terengganu so its kind hard to find a perfect place for the reception that won’t be difficult for our quest to attend it. We’re discussing to held it at Penarik (this place mcm tengah2 la antara kelantan dan terengganu) cause Dy’s friend got a beautiful guest house there alongside the sea (we’d been there once in 2006 kot.

So we were thinking to rent it for the ceremony mesti sgt romantic kan kalau buat majlis tepi pantai lgpun Dy mmg sgt suka beach tp mcm susah plak sbb nanti sapa yang nak handle all the preparations there since am stuck in here and dy plak kat kl. Yea am planning my own wedding tak mampu nak hire wedding planner so the plan wasn’t finalized and hanging over just like that.

My fMIL plak think it’s better to do double receptions since Dy is the first child in his family that getting married and I was like.. huhu (not agree) but fine. And my family pun mcm tak setuju gak sebab they all are so excited since my house dah lama sangat tak buat kenduri kawin besar-besaran. Before this for my brother yg kawin kami hanya buat simple kenduri doa selamat jeh. Last sekali buat majlis kahwin ialah when my big sis Mira was getting married a few years back (1999). Kan dah lebih 10years tu.

A few weeks ago when am updating the wedding check list, I kept thinking about it again and I sms’ed dy :

by : sayang, why cant I have my own wedding the way I like it?
dy:  because it isn’t really about us, it’s about people around us
by : of course it’s about us, it’s our wedding not theirs

dy : they’ve been waiting those day since we’re born.. and that is the last day of u officially be apart from
       them to a stranger (me)

So what can I say more??

indahnya klu dapat buat wedding simple mcm ni jeh

bestnya klu dapat buat wed theme mcm nie..

huhu day-dreaming..



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