So remember this one?
I've ordered it from RenjisMempelai last week and my sist Ining received it already and said it is so cute in actual yeay! but I only ordered it for 50pcs as a favor to be given to my girlfriends. So guys jangan lupa dtg yeh :)
Despite tak tengok la camne lg those thing (my sist ckp kecik jeh) tp sangat puas hati ngan service Leen from RM ni because I only put the deposit on tuesday, made a full payment on wednesday as she'd sent it out already and on thursday my sist received it. Sangat pantas tp ada satu accident which is when the parcel arrived, my bubbly sist tu tak check brg tu betul2 bcoz she was in hurry nak outing and bgtahu I those candles hanya ada 48pcs (instead of 50pcs) together with a box of biscuit and I was like..what?? biscuit?? tak faham betul so I cepat2 texted Leen to ask her and she promised to check it with her supplier..yg kelakarnyer bila dah mlm my sist pun bukak la kotak biskut tu and guess what? she found another 2pcs of the candle in that box. hahaha ngok ngek betul la adik aku tu so I terus sms Leen to apologize hehe nasib baik dia sporting jeh even though dia dah order another 2pcs from her supplier. Silly betul hehe
Skrg plak tgh fikir2 samada nak order brown paperbag from her or not sbb masih tak sure nak guna utk apa. She charge RM1 for pcs with ribbon and sticker..murahla kan? so tgkla camne sbb sayang already design the sticker to put on the yassin and everything so rasanya tayahla kot sticker from her besides klu beli sendiri brown paperbag tu lagi murah kot tp klu tak sempat nak cari myb order jelah from her ermm..
And on other note, my sist said my bedroom set belum sampai2 lagi. haiihh my first thought is nak guna jeh katil yg dah ada tp my mum kata beli jelah new set so I ikut jelah and yang jadi mangsa Ining lah sbb dia yg kena jadi driver utk bwk my parents g kedai perabot. Being me kan mmg cerewet sikit bile nak beli brg so bila org lain yg akan
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