MR & MRs LENG ;)

MR & MRs LENG ;)

Friday, November 13

Fashion emergency

I hv nothing suitable to wear for annual dinner this Saturday, that's the problem actually. Oppss it’s tomorrow nite o.m.g. The theme is eastern & western (I seriously dunno where da hell they got the idea) and seriously dont know exactly what to wear. I’ve been thinking to wear this lovely two layer chiffon skirt that I own for ages but dont have anything decent to match to make it more eastern. huhu

And bad thing is I dont feeling to buy anything yet. So? Actually I really dont want to think about it, I dont want to go at the first place but it is compulsory for every teacher. dang! Think am going to make it simple myb just wearing a levi's jeh besides its not really a formal function if not we are needed to wear batik instead. urggh mental.

Need to be here again tomorrow. It’s getting to my nerves actually that I need to be in school early on Saturday morning 3 times in row already. STUPID is really a right word! Please quickly end this craziness, I want to go away anywhere but here.

Till then, tata guys. Hv a wonderful weekend ahead.



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