MR & MRs LENG ;)

MR & MRs LENG ;)

Monday, October 4


I keep telling myself everything is going to be fine. I am going to be fine. I am going to be fine. I am going to be fine…

Going to have an early start tomorrow morning bcos I need to be at Kolej TDTH Bujang by 6.30am to supervise student for PMR. The school is quite far from my place so by 5.45am I need to leave the house. Harap sangat tak jem. Even though first paper only starts at 8.10am but we need to be there early to prepare a few things first.

I need my sleep now. Not hoping for another sleepless night.

Sunday, October 3

gloomy day

Sometimes I secretly wish that men (in my case hubster) can read my mind without I say it out loud. Now, I know that it is impossible bcos men always will be men and they simply not get it every time women (in this case: me) told him there is thing that he had done is buggering me and all he can say (in our case) “if u don’t like it, then I will not like it” instead of “I will not do it”.

So I am sad. and lost my appetite :(

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